End-of-trip facilities should be designed to provide a comfortable and convenient experience for employees who walk, bike, or run to work. With Blocks, you can create an experience that is both stylish and functional.
Your occupiers will be pampered, while you save resources on fewer lockers needed and get rid of key replacement headaches.
Space and resources savings
First come, first served. Since lockers are not dedicated, you maximize utilization and save resources on fewer lockers (and space!) needed.
Eliminate Lost Keys and Replacements
Gone are the days of chasing down lost keys or dealing with costly replacements. Blocks' smart locking system eliminates physical keys, relying instead on secure access codes or mobile app authentication.
Total Control Over Your EOT Facilities
Imagine managing your end-of-trip (EOT) facilities without the hassles of lost keys, forgotten combinations, and long-occupied lockers. With Blocks, you gain complete control over access, occupancy, and usage, streamlining your EOT operations and enhancing employee experience.
Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts
Stay informed and in control with Blocks' real-time monitoring capabilities. Receive notifications about locker usage, occupancy status, and any potential issues, allowing you to address them promptly and maintain a seamless end-of-trip experience.
Prevent Long-Term Locker Blockages
Say goodbye to lockers being occupied for weeks on end. Blocks' dynamic occupancy management system allows you to set time limits for locker usage, ensuring that everyone has a fair chance to utilize the facilities. This proactive approach prevents congestion and dissatisfaction among users. Additionally, in specific cases that violate the conduct, you can open the locker and remove the contents.